Spring is just around the corner.
We spring our clocks ahead one hour.
We start planning spring cleaning.
We long for warmer weather, specially you all in the East Coast and Midwest.
It always amazes me the cycles of season and time. A renewal opportunity.
Let us get in touch again with our goals and objectives as we live along into another season.
Failures can be blessings in disguise if we can just learn with them. Don't get discouraged and never give up. Set sight again in your goals and get going.
Spring must bring hope for new beginnings. As a seed planted in the ground and watered has potential to grow and birth over ground, so do our seeds of good will and decency planted in the souls and watered with love and faith bring forth better persons and better communities.
Let us start at home and in our churches and in our schools and in our neighborhoods building bridges among us.
Enough bad out there. Get out and make something good spring!
Let me know your questions about insurance plans, and about funding options for a church, a business, a non-profit.
Be well.